Rules for submitting something to

Have something you'd like to submit, such as a writeup about a West Ridge issue or a Candidate's page for an upcoming election? Here's what you need to know.

What to send:

  1. You may submit: Other text formats, including Microsoft Word and other word-processor formats, will be rejected.
  2. Alternatively, you may submit a link to any of the above, along with the description you'd like the link to have. The target of the link must be (and remain) content you control and for which you are responsible.
  3. You may also submit or link to multimedia content, such as: although if you want to email me anything big, check with me first. Audio and video will probably be limited to Candidate pages.
  4. I'm willing to convert plain text or partly-HTML text to a complete HTML page once. If you want to do something you don't know how to do, mix in instructions to me regarding what you'd like. Once it's been converted, if you wish to change it, please either submit just the changes (text or HTML) or a description of what you'd like changed.
  5. Partly-HTML: You can learn a few basic HTML things in just a minute or two. See below. These let you do the basics.

A few simple HTML tags

NOTE: These HTML tags have both a start tag and an end tag.

To underline a section of text, use <u>the text to be underlined</u>.

For bold, use <b>the text to be in bold</b>.

For italic, use <i>the text to be in italic</i>.

For a dividing line like the one near the bottom of this page, use <hr /> (just this one tag).

Put <p> at the beginning of each paragraph and </p> at the end. In HTML, blank lines alone do NOT cause a paragraph break.

Headers: HTML has five header sizes, h1 (largest) through h5 (smallest), and all headers are in bold. Use any size at any time. This page uses h1 for the header at the top of the page, h3 for "Rules for content:" (just below) and has no h2 headers. Like the others, headers have the form <h2>The header</h2>.

Rules for content:

  1. You have no rights in regard to this web site or its content. However, you do not give up your rights to use elsewhere whatever content you submit, and I will at your request take down or update content you originally submitted.
  2. Acceptance of content you submit is entirely at my discretion. I have the right to reject it for any reason, and I have final say. Rejection of non-commercial content is likely to be rare, unless it's blantly false, libelous, offensive, etc. (which I would hope would also be rare).
  3. You must own the rights to whatever content you submit. By submitting content to me, you grant me a non-exclusive license to display your content, as well as any changes to it that I may make, on this web site. If you object to changes to your content that I've made, let me know. If the problem can't be resolved, I agree to remove the content in question. Changes I'm most likely to make include: conversion to HTML, removal of sensitive data, <meta> tag changes in the header section, modifications you agree to or later request, adding a link at the bottom of your page to return to one of my pages, a privacy policy note that all or part of the content comes from another web site, and such. I'm not looking to change what you meant.
  4. NO SENSITIVE DATA. The restricted area of this web site only uses a weak security method, so you should assume, as I do, that even the restricted content can be read by people you might wish couldn't, such as people in foreign countries where breaking into U.S. web sites is not a crime, but more of a sport. In particular, that means no email addresses, no unpublished phone numbers such as cell phone numbers, no personal data such as ages, birthdays, anniversaries, etc., unless I verify that they're your own, you understand the risk, and you decide to do it anyway in content you've contributed, and even then I may disallow it. [I may allow phone numbers in Garage Sale Day listings/ads, but that's still risky.]
  5. You MAY include links to other web pages, including Facebook, LinkedIn, Youtube videos, your own private web pages, etc. Links to a malware-infected or offensive site may be changed to non-links and have a warning added.
  6. Submissions in full HTML (a web page): Javascript contained in the web page is discouraged, but if it's simple enough, I may allow it, depending on what it does. For example, Javascript to play an HTML5 audio or video file will probably be allowed. [Whether or not to host your audio/video file is my choice.] Loading unknown-to-me Javascript files from other web sites is not allowed, since that's a security risk. Well-known Javascript libraries from Google or Youtube may be allowed. Submitting a file of Javascript functions to be hosted here is highly likely to be rejected.
  7. Submissions in full HTML: It's very likely that I'll change the header section to add or modify <meta> tags therein.

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